Romantic Love

In a world full of movies like Sex and the City and Bridget Jones, romantic love is frequently viewed as a Holy Grail. We watch men and woman whose lives give the impression that revolves around the notion of falling in love, falling in and out of love over and over.

But the reality is, this is not true for most of us; there are several different kinds of love and they all have deep meanings, and as important and equal as romantic love. However, this poses a problem; how can one differentiate the love through friendship from romantic love?

Romance carries different meanings to different persons. For the majority the component of a physical pull is strongly involved. Lust is the element some people look for in love to use as the defining factor in their journey to find romantic love.

Romantic Love

Romantic Love

Romantic Love

Romantic Love

Romantic Love

Romantic Love

Romantic Love

Romantic Love

Romantic Love

Romantic Love

Many can agree that once the feeling of lust fades they start to feel as if their relationship with their spouse or partner is only a friendship. Regularly after people detect this it is too late, they have already settled for companionship from their partner instead of partaking in true romance.

Having that "spark" might be something you have heard of. For some this "spark" may very well be the factor that defines their romantic love. Do you get a tingling feeling when you're with this person? Do they entertain and excite you? Most significantly does this person make you happy? It is obvious that this first rush of romantic love will not always last, however, it should be a factor that should be there at first.

Several persons are concerned that they do not know how to be romantic therefore they think they may not find love. Because being and falling in love is unique to individuals, the possibility of painting an accurate picture of what love is becomes difficult. But one of the factors of romantic love mentioned should be involved.

You may be wondering how you would know if you are experiencing genuine romance. Some people might say intuition played a key role when they found the person they loved right away - love at first sight (quintessential) but others take a gradual process - slow burner.

If love does not make you fall over yourself immediately as you lay your eyes on your partner, it does not mean that love is not there. When you get to know each other first and give the relationship some time to bloom can in due course lead to a stronger love than if the love was immediate without each of you knowing a lot about the other.

And if you want to enhance the romantic love in your relationship by being more romantic, you can begin by searching the Internet for unique and fun romantic ideas. And always remembers, you'll always get out of any relationship exactly what you put in.

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